Checking Proxy Connection

To ensure that your proxy connection is set up and working correctly, it’s important to verify that your internet traffic is being routed through the proxy server. Follow these steps to check your proxy connection:

Step 1: Obtain Your Current IP Address

Before configuring your proxy, it's necessary to know your original IP address as a point of reference. To find your current IP address:

  • Visit

  • Note down your IP address displayed on the webpage. This IP represents your actual location without the proxy.

Ip information

Step 2: Configure Your Proxy Server

Once you have your original IP address noted, the next step is to set up your proxy. Depending on your device or browser, the configuration steps will vary. Please follow the appropriate guide for your specific needs:

These guides will assist you in correctly setting up your proxy with the desired settings.

Step 3: Obtain Your New IP Address

After configuring your proxy, it's time to check if your internet traffic is now routing through the proxy server: Revisit using the same browser or device where you’ve configured the proxy. Note the new IP address displayed on the webpage.

Step 4: Verifying the Proxy Connection

Compare the new IP address with the one you wrote down in Step 1. If the proxy setup was successful, the IP address should now be different, reflecting the proxy server's location rather than your original location. This change indicates that your internet traffic is successfully routed through the proxy server.

By following these steps, you can easily verify that your proxy connection is active and configured correctly.

Alternative Step: Checking Proxy IPs via Curl Command

You can also check proxy IPs using Curl commands available on your Geonode dashboard:

For instance, when using Premium Residential Proxy:

curl ip information

By following these steps, including the Curl command, you can easily verify that your proxy connection is active and configured correctly.