What does thread mean in proxies?

In the context of proxies, a thread refers to a separate execution path within a program or application. Essentially, it's a way for a program to perform multiple tasks concurrently, rather than sequentially.

Threads are used in proxies to allow the proxy server to handle multiple connections or requests at the same time. This is important because it allows the proxy server to process more requests in a shorter amount of time, improving the overall performance and efficiency of the proxy.

When configuring a proxy, you may be asked to specify the number of threads to use. This refers to the number of concurrent execution paths that the proxy server will use to process requests. A higher number of threads will allow the proxy to handle more requests simultaneously.

In summary, a thread is a separate execution path within a program or application that allows it to perform multiple tasks concurrently. In the context of proxies, threads are used to allow the proxy server to handle multiple connections or requests at the same time, improving performance and efficiency.