Device Type

device_type: string | null;

What's This?

The device_type option lets you tell the scraper to act like a specific device when visiting a website. Websites often look different on a phone compared to a computer, and this option helps you see the version you want.

How Does it Work?

  • (device_type=‘desktop’): The request emulates a desktop device.

  • (device_type=’mobile’): The request emulates a mobile device.

  • (device_type=’tablet’): The request emulates a tablet device.

  • Default (device_type=null).

When Should I Use This?

If you want to see how a website looks and behaves on different devices, use the device_type option. Some websites show different things or arrange content differently depending on the device, so this option helps you capture the exact version you're interested in.



Configuration Name: device_type

Initializing Scraper

const GeonodeScraperApi = require('geonode-scraper-api');
const scraper = new GeonodeScraperApi('<Your_username>', '<Your_password>');

Using Method


Using Configuration Object
