When using the Geonode Proxy API, you may encounter various HTTP status codes. Understanding these codes helps you handle errors gracefully and implement robust error handling in your applications.

HTTP Status Codes

Status CodeDescriptionSolution
200OK – The request was successfulNo action needed
403Forbidden – Access deniedCheck your access permissions and subscription level
407Unauthorized – Incorrect or missing API key/tokenCheck your authentication credentials and ensure they’re properly formatted
429Too Many Requests – Rate limit exceededImplement rate limiting in your code or reduce request frequency
466Bandwidth Limit ReachedRecharge your bandwidth allocation or upgrade your plan
5xxServer Errors – Temporary issues on our sideImplement retry logic with exponential backoff

Best Practices

  1. Always Implement Error Handling

    • Never assume requests will succeed
    • Handle both expected and unexpected errors
  2. Use Retry Logic

    • Implement exponential backoff for 5xx errors
    • Respect rate limits and Retry-After headers
  3. Log Errors Appropriately

    • Include relevant request details
    • Don’t log sensitive information
  4. User Feedback

    • Provide clear error messages to end users
    • Include actionable steps for resolution


If you encounter persistent errors or need assistance, contact our support team at Support.