IP Whitelist
Whitelisting IPs
Active Whitelisted IPs API Documentation
The Active Whitelisted IPs API provides a set of endpoints to manage active whitelisted IP addresses. Users can retrieve, add, update, and remove IPs with Basic Authentication. Adding your public IP to the whitelist will allow you to use the proxies without the need to add a proxy username and password.
Key Capabilities
- Retrieve a list of currently whitelisted IPs.
- Add new IPs (up to a predefined maximum).
- Update descriptions for existing IPs.
- Remove IPs when they’re no longer needed.
Important Details
- Authentication: Requires Basic Authentication (using a username:password encoded in Base64).
- Rate Limit: You can make up to 100 requests per minute.
- IP Limits: A user can whitelist a maximum of 150 IPs in total.
- Each request can include up to 10 IP addresses to add or remove.
- Validation: The API enforces checks to prevent invalid or duplicate IPs
This overview page gives you the core concepts behind managing whitelisted IPs. For full request/response details, examples, and advanced parameters, see the subpages dedicated to each endpoint.